Autor: Ashton Luxgrant

Understanding the Different Types of Ovarian Cancer

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The risk of a woman getting ovarian cancer during her lifetime is about 1 in 78. Ovarian cancer is when normal cells in the ovary change and start to rapidly grow to form a tumour. Because the ovaries sit near other pelvic organs such as the bladder and bowel, the cancer can affect these organs and […]Beitrag lesen

Anatomy of a Kiss

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July 6th marks International Kissing Day! Often, we don’t think about what goes into this simple way of showing affection, but in reality a lot happens underneath the skin when it comes to puckering up. The main muscle involved in kissing is your orbicularis oris. This is the muscle that outlines the mouth and changes […]Beitrag lesen

Understanding Hemophilia

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When you hear the disorder ‘Hemophilia’ you may think of the Romanovs, or maybe you are taken back to learning Punnett squares. One highlights the famous carriers of the disease and the other the likelihood of it being passed down through generations. Hemophilia is a blood clotting disorder that arises from a gene on the […]Beitrag lesen

NEW: Detailed Model of Renal Corpuscle  

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Exciting news! Complete Anatomy is launching two new detailed models this April. Go beyond the gross anatomy and right down to the microscopic level with our brand-new models, the eukaryotic cell and renal corpuscle. Explore the different organelles and understand their functions and delve into the intricate physiological connections between these structures and their larger […]Beitrag lesen

Types of Freckles

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Many of us have small spots on our skin that can range in size and color. They may even darken or stand out more after being in the sun for a while. These spots are called freckles and in most cases are harmless. In this snippet we will go over what exactly freckles are and […]Beitrag lesen

Types of Mastectomy

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A mastectomy is a procedure or surgery where the breast or breasts are removed. This may sometimes include others tissues as well such as lymph nodes that are near the breast tissue. The procedure is most often carried out to treat breast cancer, or prevent cancer in women who are at high risk for it. […]Beitrag lesen

How skin conditions appear on different skin tones

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Medical professionals who have not been trained to know what symptoms of diseases or chronic conditions of the skin look like on various skin tones are more likely to misdiagnose their patients of color. Here we will lay out some of the different ways skin conditions present themselves between differing skin tones. Beitrag lesen

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month 2022

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November marks the start of pancreatic cancer awareness month. According to the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, “Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers. It is currently the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States after lung and colon.” Beitrag lesen

How Blood flows to the Liver

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The liver is a large wedge-shaped structure found in the upper right to middle abdomen. It performs many functions including metabolic regulation, breakdown and detoxification of the blood, storage of essential nutrients and energy supplies, and synthesis of; bile, proteins, hormones, and amino acids.Beitrag lesen

What is Gut Health?

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The terms ‘gut health’ or ‘gut wellness’ have increased in popularity in the last several years, especially when referring to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and digestive cancers.Beitrag lesen