November marks the start of pancreatic cancer awareness month. According to the Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research, “Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancers. It is currently the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States after lung and colon.” 阅读详情
Author: Ashton Luxgrant
How Blood flows to the Liver
The liver is a large wedge-shaped structure found in the upper right to middle abdomen. It performs many functions including metabolic regulation, breakdown and detoxification of the blood, storage of essential nutrients and energy supplies, and synthesis of; bile, proteins, hormones, and amino acids.阅读详情
What is Gut Health?
The terms ‘gut health’ or ‘gut wellness’ have increased in popularity in the last several years, especially when referring to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, and digestive cancers.阅读详情
Alzheimer’s Disease
According to the National Institute on Aging, Alzheimer’s disease is currently ranked as the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. 阅读详情
Understanding Urological Disorders
The urinary tract consists of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Together these components are the body’s drainage system for removing urine. Urologic diseases or conditions can range from urinary tract infections (UTI) to bladder control problems, or even kidney stones. 阅读详情
Palmar Aponeurosis Snippet
Beneath the skin on the palm of your hand lies the palmar aponeurosis. In the central part of the deep fascia, this thickened structure is highly specialized. It is in the shape of a triangle and protects underlying neurovasculature and tendinous structures. With its firm attachment to the palmar skin, it provides an improvement on grip. 阅读详情
Mother’s Day 2022
Grandmothers, Mothers, Stepmothers, Adopted Mothers, and Carers. Every Mother looks different for every family, and there are many ways to become a mother. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, we look at the miracle of Pregnancy.阅读详情
NEW: Detailed Clitoris & Ovarian Cycle
Our new gross model is the most advanced 3D depiction of the female body on the market, but for some tissues and organs, a gross model just isn’t enough to teach a level of important detail that we believe is lacking in currently available resources. This December, we release 2 new detailed models on the platform; the Ovarian Cycle and the Cross Section of Penis & Clitoris.阅读详情
NEW: Compare sexual dimorphism in Complete Anatomy
Our groundbreaking female model release includes a function that allows you to easily switch between the male and female models and compare the anatomy between them. 阅读详情
Frankenstein’s Monster, A Background Story
It’s that time of the year again when all our favorite ghosts and ghouls come out! An all-time favourite that stands out is the gruesome medical creation of Frankenstein’s Monster.阅读详情