The acetabular labrum is a band of connective tissue that is located along the rim of the acetabulum, forming a ring around the head of the femur.Leer artículo
Help your students to succeed with these TOP 5 tips
Keep your students engaged and teach more efficiently with these top 5 tips for speeding up your workflow.Leer artículo
Fibers of the skeletal muscle | Anatomy snippets
Pictured above is an enhanced view of the Skeletal Striated Muscle.Leer artículo
The peripheral nervous system | Anatomy snippets
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is one of two components which make up the nervous system of bilateral animals, with the other part being the central nervous system (CNS).Leer artículo
Turbocharge your study today with these top tips
Turbocharge your study today with these top 5 tips for speeding up your workflow in Complete Anatomy!Leer artículo
What was your experience learning anatomy?
Discover how 2 students survived 1st year anatomy, with 2 very different experiences …Leer artículo
Complete Anatomy at the University of Buckingham
At the University of Buckingham Medical School, UK, Complete Anatomy bridges the gap between real cadaveric dissection and 2 dimensional textbooks.Leer artículo
Atherosclerosis | Pathologies
Atherosclerosis refers to a condition in which plaque gradually builds up in the wall of an artery.Leer artículo
Muscles of the back | Anatomy snippets
The human back is the large posterior area of the human body, rising from the top of the buttocks, to the back of the neck and shoulders.Leer artículo
Smash your Spotter with Courses by Complete Anatomy
Smash your spotter by studying anytime, anywhere, with Courses from Complete Anatomy.Leer artículo