Hi, I’m James from Complete Anatomy, and I am going to show you just how useful Complete Anatomy can be in your physiotherapy practice.Leer artículo
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Hi, I’m James from Complete Anatomy, and I am going to show you just how useful Complete Anatomy can be in your physiotherapy practice.Leer artículo
Let’s explore Complete Anatomy’s stunning new eye prosection by examining the lacrimal system and diving into some facts about tears.Leer artículo
Take your anatomical correlation to the next level with Complete Anatomy’s brand-new cutting-edge feature.Leer artículo
Yesterday, Lindsay Brandes gave the ultimate overview of Curriculum Manager – the number 1 tool for building and sharing curriculum content with your students.Leer artículo
The most commonly torn rotator cuff muscle is the supraspinatus muscle.Leer artículo
Cholesterol is a type of fat that is either produced by the liver or consumed through your diet.Leer artículo
Have you ever gone to the doctor and they’ve used a stethoscope to listen to your chest and back? What exactly are they doing, and are they just moving the stethoscope around at random?Leer artículo
Osteoarthritis is among the most common of joint disorders, and is characterised by joint pain due to wear and tear of the joint.Leer artículo
Last week, Lindsay Brandes of our Customer Success team hosted a special in-house lecture on our latest update: Complete Anatomy 4.2.Leer artículo
The rotator cuff comprises of a set of four muscles that serve to stabilize the shoulder, including the Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus, Teres Minor, and Subscapularis.Leer artículo